There are many buidings I like. It would be unfair to choose just one and in the oder hand it's hard to decide the facts you are going to consider, to finally choose your favourite building. I'll name two.
The first one is the "Sagrada Familia" in Barcelona. This is un unfinished church in the middle of the city. It's curious that it has been under construction more than hundread years. I dont' know if it is a political touristic issue or, they really build that slow. When I came in, it was amazing, because it's like the tipical old church, huge, made of stone, big columns, etc. BUT with the great Gaudi style. Everithing well decorated and beautyfull facades. It's awesome.
And the second one is "The Dancing Building" by Gehry. This one is located in Prague, in the downtown near the river. I pick this one, because I consider it mix in a very good way, old buildings with his own style, that crazy one you can see in the Guggenheim in Bilbao, but with control. He continues the formal, regular facade with, but little dizzy. However, it stil play the same game. The new building doesn't crush with the old style.
Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain
Dancing Building, Prague, Czech Republic