Here I am again, updating my blog
(better late than never :S)
it's very hard to decide who is the best architect today, or ever. Analysing Architecture is a very complicated task. Everyone has is own point of view because it is not a science, and doesn't work with science facts. Of course you have to start with the basis that the building has to work fine in his function, if it doesn't, that architect suck! trust me. The aspects I analyse to decide wich architect I like most, are: How great they solve the problem. the way they do it and, if the project looks good. I don't have much eperience in this career or lifestyle, so, for me, the most important aspect is the second one! haha but being serious. For a project to look cool there are many aspects they have to manage. For expample how innovative it is in his forms, materials, among others. And how they fade between their context, etc, etc.

I haven't spent time researching his work deeply. But you can see from far she is good in what she does. I like how free she designs, the freedoms of her shapes and geometries.
I will show you now one example. It is a building you'll have to see if you go to münchen (munich) in germany, obliged. If you like cars, you have to go (everybody likes cars when you are talking about BMW's). and if you don't, you will have to go too because its is a great museum. I will atach some pictures for you to make your own opinion and judgement.

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